Barry's images didn't get included so here they are - inspired by Colin Southgate's talk to the Creative group
Peter Cramp's images also got lost in the ether - he wished to share some images from our day out at Stowe Gardens

Chris also brought some images from that day, this time taken with infrared
and one with normal sensor
Chris also shared images from a recent rugby match taken with the Olympus
John had also done some rugby images and some ice skating images that he wanted an opinion on as to monochrome or colour
John's other images were from a trip to Majorca

Marsha brought us images from her ongoing Garden Project.

Linda Mayoux presented some images to assess for their suitability for LRPS. We offered guidance on choosing technically perfect simple images
Neil is also hoping to find a set of images for an LRPS Distinction. He brought along a good selection of images and it was felt he had a good basis for a panel with say two Elephant images, 2 African landscapes, one or two more African wildlife, two band images and then to find some images with more variety - perhaps close up image and shallow depth of field.