LRPS Distinction Advice

Jenny brought along some images for an opinion on their suitability for an LRPS panel. Some she had presented previously and has reworked according to the comments. The first six were 'definites'
These two were possibles
 These three, although good for other purposes,  were not thought worth pursuing for the L.

Peter brought along images for an opinion on their suitability for an LRPS panel. The following images could work in the panel (presuming any technical issues - halos and burnt out whites - were addressed) though not all of them together as there are repeats of subject and camera technique.

 The following images, although ok for other purposes would not be so suitable for a panel. Monochrome conversion has to enhance the original image and in these four cases it is not clear why monochrome is superior to colour. In images 2, 3 and 7 the subject matter is very detailed - it is generally better to try for a simpler design. 5 and 6 simpler images but you do already have other images like these. Image 8 - always difficult with photos of other people's art to put a personal stamp on the subject.